When gathering and analysing facts when a crime scene has been committed, there are many form that facts can be gathered, this could be in the form of a witness statement or forensic evidence that is collected from the crime scene. Witnesses are interviewed as even the smallest bit of information could be significantly important even if the witness doesn't even realise what they have seen. Witness statements give extra clues to the investigation that can than add further information and detail to what occurred during the time that the crime occurred. However, witness statements are not always reliable, this is due to witnesses not necessarily clearly remembering what they mean which could lead to giving the authorities false information. Therefore forensic evidence is collected from the scene and analysised in order for there to be more reliable evidence.
O.J. Simpson Case: The Forensic measures
In the murder case of Nicole Simpson brown and Ronald Goldman the forensic measures that were supposed to be carried out were not performed in a professional and organised manner. At the entrance of the murder scene there was a bloody fingerprint which was located next to the gateway of Nicole browns house. Although this bloody fingerprint was collected by the forensic team the procedures that are taken in order to collect a bloody fingerprint in an uncontaminated way and to also prevent the evidence from being spoilt or damaged was not taken in to care. The bloody fingerprint was also not secured or entered in to chain of custody when it was first located. This piece of evidence was located by a detective on the case named Fuhrman. From his notes taken at the crime scene there was no report to support that he had located a bloody fingerprint by the gateway. Therefore because this information was not recorded within his notes and did not follow the correct procedures properly, no further action was then taken on this piece of evidence.
During the collection of evidence by the forensic team on duty at the murder case of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, sloppy forensic collection was performed. This meant that when evidence was collected from the crime scene, the evidence was not logged or entered in to the chain of custody meaning that potentially no one except the person who collected the evidence knew about it because it was not recorded of; therefore no further action could be taken on the evidence.
Before collecting evidence from the crime scene certain procedure needs to be taken such as, a photograph of the evidence before it is moved. Within the photograph the piece of evidence needs to have a set of scales next to it, an identity card specifying were the evidence was found at the crime scene, what the piece of evidence is and who it was found by etc. and also a number card from the CAP (Common Approach Path). However, when the photographs were taken of critical evidence sometimes scales were missed out making it impossible to work of the measurements of the evidence. Photographs were also taken without identity cards making it difficult to work out what the evidence was and impossible to work out where the evidence was found or who it was collected by. Photographs were also not logged making it difficult and sometimes impossible to link certain photographs to specific areas at the crime scene.
When evidence was collected and either bagged or put in to an appropriate container, the bag of container was not sealed and labelled correctly. Therefore this than made the evidence easy to be mishandled with or contaminated. Also some items of evidence were bagged together causing cross contamination. Wet items were also not left to dry before being placed in to an appropriate bag or container which caused critical change to the evidence. This then made some of the evidence that was not bagged correctly useless to the investigation.
As media arrived to the murder scene, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman's bodies were covered by a blanket which was taken from inside of her house. This was to hide their bodies so that the media could not see however by doing this the bodies were completely contaminated.
Bloody footprints that were found at the scene were not collected due to poor evidence collection techniques. Also most footprint were not collected due to the carelessness manoeuvring of the Los Angeles police department as police members stood in the bloody footprint and then made more bloody footprints from their own shoeprint making it rather difficult to differentiate between the suspects footprint and the police members at the scene. This also gave the appearance of forensic ineptitude.
During the time of evidence was left within the laboratories awaiting investigation unauthorised personnel accessed the evidence labs which also grew speculation of evidence being tampered with. Evidence within the labs was also not looked after properly, an example of this is Juditha Brown's (Nicole Brown Simpson's mother) reading glasses were missing a lens.
Throughout the investigation blood was taken from O.J Simpson so that it could be analysed and compared to any suspect blood that was found at the crime scene. The blood taken from Simpson was placed in to a vial and was sent to the forensic laboratory for further investigation. 1.5ml of O.J.Simpson's blood was presumed missing from a vial in an evidence lab. However The Los Angeles police department did not use the correct collection documents regarding the blood and therefore could not note this down as lost blood as there was no record or documentation of how much blood was taken from Simpson.
The blood was also not entered in to the COD until hours after the blood had be taken from Simpson, this then brought up speculation within the department as assumptions were made to whether Simpson’s blood was to be planted at the scene. Tampering and planting Simpson’s blood was questioned even more was trace of ethylenediaminetetraacetic (EDTA a chemical used when performing a forensic test for blood) was found within Simpson’s blood, which was was found on pieces of critical evidence at the crime scene. Therefore as EDTA was found present within Simpson’s blood, the blood had to have come from a lab in order for it to contain the chemical.
Mark Furham was a detective on the murder case of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman was accused numerous times of planting O.J.Simpson's blood at the scene of the crime. Furhum was also alleged to have been racist towards Simpson and shown a strong dislike to him. During the court, Furham invoked his 5th amendment to every questioned that was asked of him, questions such as had he tampered of planted with evidence.
During the time this case was presented in court the DNA testimony was not appreciated due to the witnesses and jury found it hard to understand the vocabulary that was being used. As the testimonies reporting the DNA explained the forensics behind this information, as their evidence was not put in to simpler terms that they could comprehend fully this evidence was not appreciated as much as it could have been within the court.
O.J. Simpson Case: The Forensic measures
In the murder case of Nicole Simpson brown and Ronald Goldman the forensic measures that were supposed to be carried out were not performed in a professional and organised manner. At the entrance of the murder scene there was a bloody fingerprint which was located next to the gateway of Nicole browns house. Although this bloody fingerprint was collected by the forensic team the procedures that are taken in order to collect a bloody fingerprint in an uncontaminated way and to also prevent the evidence from being spoilt or damaged was not taken in to care. The bloody fingerprint was also not secured or entered in to chain of custody when it was first located. This piece of evidence was located by a detective on the case named Fuhrman. From his notes taken at the crime scene there was no report to support that he had located a bloody fingerprint by the gateway. Therefore because this information was not recorded within his notes and did not follow the correct procedures properly, no further action was then taken on this piece of evidence.
During the collection of evidence by the forensic team on duty at the murder case of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, sloppy forensic collection was performed. This meant that when evidence was collected from the crime scene, the evidence was not logged or entered in to the chain of custody meaning that potentially no one except the person who collected the evidence knew about it because it was not recorded of; therefore no further action could be taken on the evidence.

When evidence was collected and either bagged or put in to an appropriate container, the bag of container was not sealed and labelled correctly. Therefore this than made the evidence easy to be mishandled with or contaminated. Also some items of evidence were bagged together causing cross contamination. Wet items were also not left to dry before being placed in to an appropriate bag or container which caused critical change to the evidence. This then made some of the evidence that was not bagged correctly useless to the investigation.
As media arrived to the murder scene, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman's bodies were covered by a blanket which was taken from inside of her house. This was to hide their bodies so that the media could not see however by doing this the bodies were completely contaminated.
Bloody footprints that were found at the scene were not collected due to poor evidence collection techniques. Also most footprint were not collected due to the carelessness manoeuvring of the Los Angeles police department as police members stood in the bloody footprint and then made more bloody footprints from their own shoeprint making it rather difficult to differentiate between the suspects footprint and the police members at the scene. This also gave the appearance of forensic ineptitude.
During the time of evidence was left within the laboratories awaiting investigation unauthorised personnel accessed the evidence labs which also grew speculation of evidence being tampered with. Evidence within the labs was also not looked after properly, an example of this is Juditha Brown's (Nicole Brown Simpson's mother) reading glasses were missing a lens.
Throughout the investigation blood was taken from O.J Simpson so that it could be analysed and compared to any suspect blood that was found at the crime scene. The blood taken from Simpson was placed in to a vial and was sent to the forensic laboratory for further investigation. 1.5ml of O.J.Simpson's blood was presumed missing from a vial in an evidence lab. However The Los Angeles police department did not use the correct collection documents regarding the blood and therefore could not note this down as lost blood as there was no record or documentation of how much blood was taken from Simpson.

Mark Furham was a detective on the murder case of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman was accused numerous times of planting O.J.Simpson's blood at the scene of the crime. Furhum was also alleged to have been racist towards Simpson and shown a strong dislike to him. During the court, Furham invoked his 5th amendment to every questioned that was asked of him, questions such as had he tampered of planted with evidence.
During the time this case was presented in court the DNA testimony was not appreciated due to the witnesses and jury found it hard to understand the vocabulary that was being used. As the testimonies reporting the DNA explained the forensics behind this information, as their evidence was not put in to simpler terms that they could comprehend fully this evidence was not appreciated as much as it could have been within the court.
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